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Pay for PmWiki developmentMake a personal donation"Petko Yotov (PmWiki)" You will get a receipt from PayPal. Up to 50 € in a month, otherwise please use the button below. Make a payment (50 EUR / hour)"PmWiki operation and technical support" Select the amount at the checkout page. You will receive an invoice from my company in France. SEPA bank transfer: Contact usIf you or your organization benefit from PmWiki and its development, you can support future development, growth, and maintenance by making a payment. You can receive an invoice and may be able to deduct it as expenses. Why?PmWiki is open source and available free of charge, however the "free" time for its development, maintenance and support is limited. Petko Yotov has been the PmWiki core developer, release manager and webmaster since 2009, and has been publishing addons, updating documentation and providing support since 2006. Financial contributions allow Petko to dedicate more time and effort to the project, reduce other "real" (paid) work and still take care of family, rent, and food. Payments also reduce the tensions among family, work, and PmWiki and reduce burnout on the project. Please do not feel obligated to make payments: you can always get PmWiki and support for free. This page exists to allow people or companies who want to contribute to do it legally and easily. DetailsPayments can be made via Credit Card, via a PayPal account, via SEPA bank transfer, and you will receive a receipt or an invoice.
While development, documentation, maintenance, communications, testing, and a host of other costs vary considerably according to the activity and complexity, below are some rough estimates on what your payments can allow Petko to perform:
StatisticsWeekly heatmap(:heatmap:) Reports that I might have a life outside PmWiki have been greatly exaggerated. ;-) Yearly table
Notes: FAQHow much work is being done? See table above. Can I donate to Pm (Patrick Michaud) who wrote and developed PmWiki 2002-2009? Please do, visit Send Pm money. How do I make a payment? Click on the appropriate button (Donate or Pay now) and you'll be taken to a page where you can enter the amounts and your information. What payment amount should I make? The amount is up to you. If PmWiki has made your life on the web better or easier, judge what that is worth to you. May I deduct the payment as a tax item? Petko Yotov is based in France/EU. Companies from Bulgaria, France, Germany, UK, and USA have been able to deduct these payments. Please confer with your tax advisor on this subject. If you use PmWiki for business purposes, such a payment may be an eligible business expense. Petko Yotov is not a non-profit entity permitted to provide tax exemptions as a charitable or non-profit entity. Consult your local tax laws and tax advisor for the best answer. Can I contribute if I live outside of the U.S. or E.U.? Yes. PayPal accepts payments from many different countries and automatically handles currency conversions: Reference. You do not need a PayPal account to make a card payment, although it might not be obvious to find this option. As of 2023 this may need to be selected near the bottom of the checkout page. What if I don't want to use a bank transfer or PayPal to send money? Contact Petko Yotov and we will discuss other possibilities such as paper checks, gift cards, and similar. What if I want to help with something other than money? Contact Petko Yotov and we will discuss other possibilities. I need a specific feature or capability in PmWiki and I am willing to pay for its priority implementation. Who should I contact? Contact Petko Yotov. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Page last modified on August 03, 2024, at 01:37 AM |