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This variable contains the special "nopass" password which was used in the past to leave pages or groups accessible without a password. Recent PmWiki versions use "@nopass" instead. If your wiki is old and/or may contain pages with the "nopass" password, you should not change it. If that variable is empty or set to false, PmWiki will not check if pages have a special "allowed password".
Specifies page names in which the authuser script should check for account names and passwords. See AuthUser#accountsfromotherpages.
Specifies default passwords for user admin or actions (edit, read, upload). See PasswordsAdmin#settingsitewidepasswords.
Specifies the default content for .htaccess files created by PmWiki in new directories under wiki.d. The Apache server changed these directives in version 2.4. The default value should work for both new and older server versions.
A switch to control whether or not changing a page's attributes causes any existing passwords to be forgotten. The default is that changing attributes forgets any passwords entered; this can be changed by setting $EnablePostAttrClearSession to zero.
Control whether passwords are saved as part of the session. If set to zero, then session passwords are never saved (although any AuthUser authentications are still remembered).
A custom function name to send cookies to the browser, instead of pmsetcookie(). Should accept the same arguments as pmsetcookie().
Set to 1 to enable the "Secure" flag for core PmWiki cookies (will only be transmitted via HTTPS). This includes author, preference, and cache core cookies and any custom cookies set via pmsetcookie().
Note: the session cookie and all other PmWiki cookies are affected.
Set to 1 to enable the "HttpOnly" flag for core PmWiki cookies (will not be made available to JavaScript). This includes author, preference, and cache core cookies and any custom cookies set via pmsetcookie().
Note: the session cookie and all other PmWiki cookies are affected.
The "SameSite" flag for cookies sent via pmsetcookie(), default to 'Lax'. See article about the implications.
Function to use to encode sensitive information in sessions. Set this to NULL if you want to not use any encoding. (See also $SessionDecode below.)
Function to reverse the decoding given by $SessionEncode above. Set this to NULL if sensitive session values are not encoded.
This sets the required authentication Level that is necessary to perform an action. When using the following example in your config.php you need to be authenticated as editor in order to view the page history:
        $HandleAuth['diff'] = 'edit';
Set the string shown on the attributes page when entering a password for an action.
For sites using AuthUser with LDAP authentication, this specifies the distinguished name (DN) to be used to bind to the LDAP server to check identity.
For AuthUser with LDAP authentication, this specifies the password used for binding (in conjunction with $AuthLDAPBindDN above).
Specifies whether to automatically follow referrals returned by the LDAP server, set 1 to enable or 0 to disable. By default this variable is unset, and the connection follows referrals if they are enabled on the server side (they usually are).
(AuthUser only) A custom function to perform a check for multi-factor-authentication (MFA, 2FA). Called by AuthUserId() if the password authentication has succeeded. This function is called with arguments the username and password, and should return true if the 2FA has succeeded, false otherwise.
(AuthUser only) A custom function to perform a check for multiple failed logins, see Cookbook:FailedLoginFunction.
Adds a new "publish" authorization level to distinguish editing of drafts from publishing - See $EnableDrafts.
In PmWiki versions 2.2.22 and 2.2.23 this variable should be set to 0. In 2.2.24 it will no longer be used.
An array controlling which actions can be reached by web bots. The array keys are the actions, if the value is 1 or true then the action is reachable. If an action is not defined as a key, or if the value for that key evaluates to false or zero, when a bot requests this action it will be refused. By default, only the actions "browse", "rss" and "dc" are reachable by bots. For example:
$RobotActions['download'] = 1; # allow bots to download files with disabled $EnableDirectDownload (page permissions are respected)
$RobotActions['rss'] = 0; # disallow bots from getting the RSS feed
$RobotActions['print'] = 1; # allow bots to get the print view
The variable can have custom actions used by cookbook recipes as keys.
A regular expression pattern with known user-agent strings for bots.
Setting this flag to 1 will eliminate any forbidden ?action= values from page links returned to robots, which will reduce bandwidth loads from robots even further.
A custom HTTP response status code to be sent to the browser with the Authentication form. The form is still displayed and the user can type the password to access the restricted page of file. For example, to send "403 Forbidden" status code for restricted downloads (see $EnableDirectDownload), you can set in config.php:
if ($action == 'download')
  $AuthFormRespCode = 403;

See also:

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:SecurityVariables, and a talk page: PmWiki:SecurityVariables-Talk.