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 Upcoming BL Series  (Start date)

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Thailand Top Form (Thu 20 Mar 2025)

 Completed Series 

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Philippines Art Of Love (OFFLINE)
Philippines Beautiful Scars (Episode 4 finale OFFLINE)
Thailand Boyband (No International release)
Myanmar Healing Thingyan (OFFLINE)
Hong Kong Hehe & He (Season 3 - on hiatus)
Thailand If I Love A Boy (OFFLINE)
Philippines Indigo (OFFLINE)
Philippines Jack And Jill (OFFLINE)
Philippines Lakan (OFFLINE)
Thailand Make A Wish [Thailand] (No International release)
Thailand Missing Piece (OFFLINE)
Myanmar My
Thailand My Secret Love (OFFLINE)
Philippines Quaranthings (OFFLINE)
Thailand Roommate (Season 1 OFFLINE)
Japan Sugar Dog Life (No International release)
Thailand Venus In The Sky (Youtube release)

 One-Off BL shorts 

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 Cancelled BLs (Uncompleted) 

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Philippines Destined/Fated (OFFLINE)
Philippines Infinity (OFFLINE)
Philippines Kiss The Night (OFFLINE)
Philippines Overlooked Love (OFFLINE)
Thailand The Whisperer (EP10 Finale never released)
Philippines Unexpected (OFFLINE)

 Abandoned - Not Made 

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Cambodia= Cambodia China= China Hong Kong= Hong Kong India= India
Japan= Japan Laos= Laos Myanmar= Myanmar The Philippines= Philippines
South Korea= South Korea Taiwan= Taiwan Thailand= Thailand Vietnam= Vietnam

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WikiWikiWeb es un sistema de "edición-abierta" donde se hace énfasis en la colaboración y autoría de documentos en lugar de un simple navegador web para mirarlos.

El nombre de "wiki" proviene del término Hawaiano "wiki wiki", significando "rápido" o "super-rápido".

El concepto básico del WikiWikiWeb (o "wiki") es que (casi) cualquiera pueda editar una página web. Aún cuando al principio esto sonaba como una completa anarquía, la verdad es que los sitios que utilizan este sistema han desarrollado sorprendentes comunidades ricas y complejas para la comunicación y la colaboración en línea. Sí, es posible para algunos ir y destruir lo que está en la página, pero no ocurre muy a menudo. Y además, muchos sistemas (incluyendo este) poseen mecanismos-internos para recuperar el contenido que pudiese haber sido dañado o destruido.

The point of the system is to simply make it as quick, easy and rewarding as possible to create or edit online content.

Using any standard Web browser, a person can edit (almost) any page on the system using relatively simple text formatting rules?. Creating a link? to a new or existing page simply involves putting the word or phrase that will be your link text inside of [[double square brackets]] to reference and serve as a title for the target page. In the process of creating the link you're creating the new page, if it doesn't already exist. On some sites, a link can also be created by entering a WikiWord--a word consisting of two or more capitalized words joined together.

It's not even necessary to learn all of the formatting rules; others will often come in and reformat things for you. After all, anyone can edit! You can see some of the recent changes that others have posted to this site.

To learn more about adding pages to this Wiki site, see basic editing, then try editing pages in the WikiSandbox.

If you want to learn more about the WikiWikiWeb concept, try some of these Web sites:

Or, send email to Patrick Michaud at