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March 2025
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 Currently Airing  (A-Z order)

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Cambodia= Cambodia China= China Hong Kong= Hong Kong India= India
Japan= Japan Laos= Laos Myanmar= Myanmar The Philippines= Philippines
South Korea= South Korea Taiwan= Taiwan Thailand= Thailand Vietnam= Vietnam

 Upcoming BL Series  (Start date)

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Thailand Top Form (Thu 20 Mar 2025)

 Completed Series 

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Philippines Art Of Love (OFFLINE)
Philippines Beautiful Scars (Episode 4 finale OFFLINE)
Thailand Boyband (No International release)
Myanmar Healing Thingyan (OFFLINE)
Hong Kong Hehe & He (Season 3 - on hiatus)
Thailand If I Love A Boy (OFFLINE)
Philippines Indigo (OFFLINE)
Philippines Jack And Jill (OFFLINE)
Philippines Lakan (OFFLINE)
Thailand Make A Wish [Thailand] (No International release)
Thailand Missing Piece (OFFLINE)
Myanmar My
Thailand My Secret Love (OFFLINE)
Philippines Quaranthings (OFFLINE)
Thailand Roommate (Season 1 OFFLINE)
Japan Sugar Dog Life (No International release)
Thailand Venus In The Sky (Youtube release)

 One-Off BL shorts 

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 Cancelled BLs (Uncompleted) 

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Philippines Destined/Fated (OFFLINE)
Philippines Infinity (OFFLINE)
Philippines Kiss The Night (OFFLINE)
Philippines Overlooked Love (OFFLINE)
Thailand The Whisperer (EP10 Finale never released)
Philippines Unexpected (OFFLINE)

 Abandoned - Not Made 

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Cambodia= Cambodia China= China Hong Kong= Hong Kong India= India
Japan= Japan Laos= Laos Myanmar= Myanmar The Philippines= Philippines
South Korea= South Korea Taiwan= Taiwan Thailand= Thailand Vietnam= Vietnam

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Default Actions

display the specified page (default action if no ?action= is present)
指定されたページを表示します。(?action= が指定されなかった場合のデフォルト動作)
edit the specified page
show a change history of the specified page
displays dialog for setting/changing password of the specified page
display a form to upload an attachment for the current group
retrieve the page's attachment named file.ext
file.ext と、いう名前のページの添付をダウンロードします。
displays a form for generating hashed passwords out of clear text for usage in your config.php
config.php で使用するために、クリアテキストからパスワードハッシュを発生させるフォームを表示します。
display the specified page using the skin specified by $ActionSkin['print']
displays searchbox on current page
performs search with searchterm and displays results on current page
show page source
prompt visitor for username/password
remove author, password, and login information
If web feeds? are enabled, returns a syndication feed based on the contents of the page or other options provided by the url.
bring up the reference count form, which allows the user to generate a list of links (all, missing, existing or orphaned) in or from specified groups. See RefCount?. Part of the core distribution but must be enabled by the administrator.
sets cookie to custom preferences page. See SitePreferences?

Actions enabled by $EnableDiag:

the following actions are available only if you set $EnableDiag = 1 in your configuration file. They can be used for debugging and should not be set in a production environment.

displays a list of all markups in 3 columns:
  • column 1 = markup-name (1. parameter of markup() )
  • column 2 = when will rule apply (2. parameter of markup() )
  • column 3 = PmWiki's internal sort key (derived from #2)
To see more than what ?action=ruleset gives you, apply the Cookbook:MarkupRulesetDebugging recipe: it can also show the pattern and the replacement strings.
displays the output of phpinfo() and exits. no page will be processed
displays a dump of all global vars and exits. no page will be processed

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