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How can I change the format of dates and times?
How do I change the time zone for PmWiki's dates and times?


Answer 1: Changing PmWiki's time output format

回答 1: PmWikiの出力時間帯を変更する

PmWiki uses the $TimeFmt variable and PHP's strftime function to format its dates and times. The default setting of $TimeFmt is "%B %d, %Y, at %I:%M %p", which displays the name of the month (d), year (I), minutes (p). The documentation for strftime describes the various %-parameters that are available.

PmWikiは日時を整形する為に、$Timefmt変数と、PHPのstrftime関数を使います。 $TimeFmtのデフォルト設定は "%B %d, %Y, at %I:%M %p"で、 月名(%B)、日(%d)、年(%Y)、12時間制の時(%I)、分(%M)と午前/午後(%p)です。 strftimeのドキュメントは利用できる様々な%変数を記述しています。

Thus, to change the display of dates and times to a "mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm" format, set $TimeFmt in local/config.php as

したがって、日時表示を"mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm"に整形するには local/config.phpに$TimeFmtを、このように設定します

    $TimeFmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M';     # mm-dd-yy hh:mm
    $TimeFmt="%d.%m.%G, at %R %Z"; # german (ISO year) format

Answer 2: Setting the time zone

To change your timezone, you generally need to know the value of the "TZ" or "timezone" environment variable. These are defined for different localities around the world. For example, in the U.S. the Eastern time zone setting is generally "EST5EDT", which gives the name of the timezone ("EST"), the number of hours offset from GMT (5), and a string to be used if the zone honors daylight savings time ("EDT").

Thus, to change PmWiki's timezone to be U.S. Eastern Time, add the following line to local/config.php.


Some common timezone values (feel free to add to this list):

    EST5EDT       U.S. Eastern Standard/Daylight Time
    CST6CDT       U.S. Central Standard/Daylight Time
    MST7MDT       U.S. Mountain Standard/Daylight Time
    MST7          U.S. Mountain Standard Time (Arizona)
    PST8PDT       U.S. Pacific Standard/Daylight Time
    AKST9AKDT     U.S. Alaska Standard/Daylight Time

    UTC0          Universal Coordinated Time
    GMT0          Greenwich Mean Time
    CET-1CEST     Central Europe Time/Central Europe Summer Time
    NZS-12NZD     New Zealand Standard/Daylight Time

See Also


  • Reinhard Hofmann
  • Pm?

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