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Thailand Top Form (Thu 20 Mar 2025)

 Completed Series 

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Philippines Art Of Love (OFFLINE)
Philippines Beautiful Scars (Episode 4 finale OFFLINE)
Thailand Boyband (No International release)
Myanmar Healing Thingyan (OFFLINE)
Hong Kong Hehe & He (Season 3 - on hiatus)
Thailand If I Love A Boy (OFFLINE)
Philippines Indigo (OFFLINE)
Philippines Jack And Jill (OFFLINE)
Philippines Lakan (OFFLINE)
Thailand Make A Wish [Thailand] (No International release)
Thailand Missing Piece (OFFLINE)
Myanmar My
Thailand My Secret Love (OFFLINE)
Philippines Quaranthings (OFFLINE)
Thailand Roommate (Season 1 OFFLINE)
Japan Sugar Dog Life (No International release)
Thailand Venus In The Sky (Youtube release)

 One-Off BL shorts 

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 Cancelled BLs (Uncompleted) 

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Philippines Destined/Fated (OFFLINE)
Philippines Infinity (OFFLINE)
Philippines Kiss The Night (OFFLINE)
Philippines Overlooked Love (OFFLINE)
Thailand The Whisperer (EP10 Finale never released)
Philippines Unexpected (OFFLINE)

 Abandoned - Not Made 

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Cambodia= Cambodia China= China Hong Kong= Hong Kong India= India
Japan= Japan Laos= Laos Myanmar= Myanmar The Philippines= Philippines
South Korea= South Korea Taiwan= Taiwan Thailand= Thailand Vietnam= Vietnam

edit SideBar


Cookbook receptuose naudojamo teksto vertimas į lietuvių kalbą. Norėdami įjungti šį vertimą, local/config.php faile po eilutės




Vertimas pradėtas 2009-09-02, pagal XLPageCookbookTemplate.

Įdiegus PmWiki savo kompiuteryje, rekomenduojama pašalinti nenaudojamų receptų vertimus.

  ### Strings from previous PmWiki versions
  'Describe $Name here.' => 'Čia aprašyti $Name',
  'Retrieved from $PageUrl' => 'Parsiųsta iš $PageUrl',
  'Printable View' => 'Spausdinimo vaizdas',
  'Page History' => 'Puslapio istorija',
  'Edit Page' => 'Redaguoti puslapį',
  'PmWiki.EditQuickReference' => '',
  'Editing $FullName' => 'Redaguojamas $FullName',
  'Preview $FullName' => 'Peržiūrimas $FullName',

  ### Strings for Cookbook/MailForm
  'MFsuccess' => 'Žinutė buvo sėkmingai išsiųsta.',
  'MFfailure' => 'Žinutės išsiųsti nepavyko.',
  'MFerror' => 'Įvyko klaida.',
  'From:'=> 'Nuo:',
  'Your Address:'=> 'Jūsų adresas:',
  'Subject:'=> 'Tema:',

  ### If buttons added to GUIEdit, you may need
  'Table of content' => 'Turinys',
  'Underline' => 'Pabraukti',
  'Insert image' => 'Įterpti paveikslėlį',
  'MyImage.jpg' => ''ManoPaveikslas.jpg,
  'Sticky note' => 'Lipnusis raštelis',
  'Convert tabs to table' => 'Tabuliaciją konvertuoti į lentelę',

  ### Strings for Cookbook/ImagesAutoResizing - addon 'Minimage' 
  'Upload images' => '',
  'Image for' => '',
  'Image to upload:' => '',
  'Image wiki name:' => '',
  'Step 1' => '',
  'Step 2' => '',
  'Image title' => '',
  'Image copyright' => '',
  'Ok' => '',
  'Cancel' => '',
  'Image special instructions' => '',
  'IMGbadtype' => '<span style='color:#ff0000'> - invalid file extension</span>",
  'ULnotimage' =>
     'File sent is not of an allowed format',
  'ErrNoResize' => 
     'Image resizing not possible on your server',
  'IMGResizeDone' =>
    '<br /><font color="#FF0000">+Image resized, reload page and remove dimensions+</font>',
  'IMGreload' => 'If wrong image, upload a new one',
  'in' => '',

  ### Strings for Cookbook/PublishWikiTrail
  'SearchFor' => '',
  'Include this page' => '',
  'Publish' => '',
  'No pages selected' => '',

### Chaînes pour le module 'Skins/SkinConfig'
  'SKNwarn' => 'After [Ok] hit \'Reload\' on your browser to see modifications',
  'WHOLE WIKI' => '',
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  'Header 4' => '',
  'Top/body' => '',
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  'Personal wiki (hide stuff)' => '',
  'Apply to' => '',
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  'Ok' => '',
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  'def' => '',
  'Creation of file failed' => '',
  'Datas saved in file' => '',
  'Click on color to select' => '',
  'Width' => '',
  'SideBar width' => '',
  'Bottom actions' => '',
  'Hide bottom actions' => '',
  'Links in italic' => '',
  'Links underlined' => '',
  'Underline sidebar option' => '',
  'Line atop sidebar option' => '',
  'Sidebar link' => '',
  'Sidebar link: hover' => '',
  'Commands link' => '',
  'Link: visited' => '',
  'Link: hover' => '',
  'Link underline' => '',
  'Link: hover underline' => '',
  'Sidebar link underline' => '',
  'Sidebar link: hover underline' => '',
  'Commands link underline' => '',
  'Commands link:hover underline' => '',
  'Link style: italic' => '',
  'Link hover: italic' => '',
  'Link visited: italic' => '',
  'List bullet' => '',
  'Main level' => '',
  'Sub-level' => '',
  'Sub-sub-level' => '',

  ###Strings for Pukka skins
  'Skip to site navigation' => '',
  'Skip to content' => '',
  'Back to top of content' => '',
  'Back to the very top' => '',
  'Linked to by' => '',
  'Change Attributes' => '',
  'Go' => '', 
  #go is for the button in the search form
  'Home' => '',
  'XML Feed for $Group' => '',
  'XML Feed of All Recent Changes' => '',
  'PmWiki.AboutFeeds' => '',

  ### Strings for commentbox
  'Comment' => '',
  'New entry' => '',
  'Post' => '',
  'Reset' => '',

  ## Strings for commentboxplus
  'Please enter a comment to post' => 'Įveskite komentarą',
  'Please enter your name as author' => 'Įveskite savo vardą',
  'Please enter the code number' => 'Įveskite kodą',
  'Entry added' => 'Įrašas sukurtas',
  'New entry' => 'Naujas įrašas',
  'Enter code' => 'Įveskite kodą',
  'Post' => 'Publikuoti',
  'Reset' => 'Atšaukti',
  'Comment added' => 'Komentaras pridėtas',
  'Add Comment' => 'Pridėti komentarą',
  'Sign as Author' => 'Pasirašyti autoriumi',

  ### Strings for addon 'rename'
  'Rename' => 'Pervadinti',

  ### Strings for addon 'DeleteAction'
  'Set new delete password:' => 'Nustatyti naują ištrynimo slaptažodį',

  ### Strings for 'LinkPageCreateFmtTooltip'
  'page not found - click link to create page' => 'puslapis nerastas - sekite nuoroda idant sukurtumėte puslapį',

  ### Strings for SectionEdit
  '(Edit Section &#x2193;)' => '(Redaguoti skyrių &#x2193;)',
  'Page' => 'Puslapis',
  'of' => 'iš',

  ### translations for cookbook recipe pmwikidraw
  'Create Image' => 'Sukurti piešinį',
  'Image history' => 'Piešinio istorija',
  'Edit Image' => 'Redaguoti piešinį',

  ### Strings for FixFlow, Gemini or Triad skins
  'Source' => '',
  'Backlinks' => '',
  'List Group' => '',
  'Group Attributes' => '',
  'Editing' => '',
  'Search Site' => '',
  'Go' => '',
  'Big View' => '',
  'Normal View' => '',
  'Text Size' => '',
  'bigger' => '',
  'default' => '',
  'smaller' => ''
  'Hide' => '',
  'Show' => '',

  ### Strings for TotalCounter recipe
  'statistics' => '',
  'Page views' => '',
  'Pages' => '',
  'Percent' => '',
  'Count' => '',
  'Users' => '',
  'Languages' => '',
  'Browsers' => '',
  'Operating systems' => '',
  'Referers' => '',
  'Locations' => '',
  'Web bots' => '',

  ### Strings for DownloadManager recipe
  'downloads' => 'parsiuntimai',

  ### Strings for Table Edit
  'Table edit &#x2193;' => '',
  'Insert table' => '',
  'Rows' => '',
  'Number of rows' => '',
  'Cell spacing' => '',
  'Cell padding in pixels' => '',
  'Width' => '',
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  'Columns' => '',
  'Number of columns' => '',
  'Cell padding' => '',
  'Border' => '',
  'Table border width in pixels' => '',
  'Table alignment' => '',
  'Alignment' => '',
  'Save and edit' => '',
  'Save table and continue editing' => '',
  'Save and quit' => '',
  'Save table and return to page' => '',
  'Column width (% of table width)' => '',
  'Width:' => '',
  'Ins' => '',
  'Insert a new column to the left of this one' => '',
  'Del' => '',
  'Delete this column' => '',
  'Are you sure you want to delete this column?' => '',
  'Default alignment' => '',
  'Align column left' => '',
  'Align column centre' => '',
  'Align column right' => '',
  'Add' => '',
  'Add a new column on the right hand side of this table' => '',
  'Insert a new row above this one' => '',
  'Delete this row' => '',
  'Are you sure you want to delete this row?' => '',
  'Add a new row to the bottom of this table' => '',
  'table modified' => '',