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Philippines Art Of Love (OFFLINE)
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Myanmar Healing Thingyan (OFFLINE)
Hong Kong Hehe & He (Season 3 - on hiatus)
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Thailand Make A Wish [Thailand] (No International release)
Thailand Missing Piece (OFFLINE)
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Thailand My Secret Love (OFFLINE)
Philippines Quaranthings (OFFLINE)
Thailand Roommate (Season 1 OFFLINE)
Japan Sugar Dog Life (No International release)
Thailand Venus In The Sky (Youtube release)

 One-Off BL shorts 

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 Cancelled BLs (Uncompleted) 

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Philippines Destined/Fated (OFFLINE)
Philippines Infinity (OFFLINE)
Philippines Kiss The Night (OFFLINE)
Philippines Overlooked Love (OFFLINE)
Thailand The Whisperer (EP10 Finale never released)
Philippines Unexpected (OFFLINE)

 Abandoned - Not Made 

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edit SideBar


This page contains the conversion rules to convert PmWiki's prompts into Norwegian. See Localization.Localization and Internationalizations for how to details.

Strings have the original (English) text on the left-hand-side, and two quotation marks on the right-hand-side which can be filled with the translation.

Some strings already have an English explanation on the right-hand-side, which can be replaced with the appropriate translation, to explain the cryptic string names on the left-hand-side.

Lines commencing with the comment character "#" do not need to be translated.

Other strings to be translated, including some used in previous versions of PmWiki, may be found at Localization.XLPageCookbookTemplate.

  ### Locale identifier, e.g. 'de' or 'cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2'
  'Locale' => 'no_NO',
  ### Time format, e.g. '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M EET'
  'TimeFmt' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',

  ### Standard layout strings
  'View' => 'Se',
  'Edit' => 'Endre',
  'History' => 'Historie',
  'Attach' => 'Vedlegg',
  'Print' => 'Utskrift',
  'Backlinks' => '',
  'Login' => '',
  'Logout' => '',
  'Recent Changes' => 'Siste endringer',
  'Search' => 'Søk',
  'Page last modified on {$LastModified}' => 'Siden ble sist endret {$LastModified}',
  'Go' => 'Kjør',
  'All Recent Changes' => 'Alle seneste endringer',
  # access keys
  # 'ak_view' => '',
  # 'ak_edit' => 'e',
  # 'ak_history' => 'h',
  # 'ak_attach' => '',
  # 'ak_print' => '',
  # 'ak_backlinks' => '',
  # 'ak_logout' => '',
  # 'ak_recentchanges' => 'c',

  ### PageTitle/LinkText technical pages (for full list see page Localization.Localization)
  'RecentChanges' => 'Siste endringer',
  'AllRecentChanges' => 'Alle seneste endringer',
  'GroupHeader' => '',
  'GroupFooter' => '',
  'SideBar' => '',
  'GroupAttributes' => '',

  ### Print layout strings
  'From $WikiTitle' => '',
  'Retrieved from {$PageUrl}' => '',

  ### Page locations
  '{$SiteGroup}/EditQuickReference' => 'PmWikiNo/EditQuickReference',
  '{$SiteGroup}/UploadQuickReference' => 'PmWikiNo/UploadQuickReference',
  '{$SiteGroup}/Search' => '',
  '{$SiteGroup}.PageNotFound' => '',

  ### Browse page strings
  'redirected from' => 'videresendt fra',

  ### Edit page strings
  'Editing {*$FullName}' => 'Endrer: {*$FullName}',
  'Save' => 'Lagre',
  'Save and edit' => 'Lagre og Endre',  
  'Publish' => '',
  'Save draft' => '',
  'Save draft and edit' => '',
  'Preview' => 'Forhåndsvis',
  'Cancel' => 'Avbryt',
  'Reset' => 'Omstart',
  'Author' => 'Forfatter',
  'An author name is required.' => 'Forfatternavn er nødvendig.',
  'Summary' => 'Sammendrag',
  'This is a minor edit' => 'Dette er en mindre endring',
  'Preview {*$FullName}' => 'Forhåndsvis {*$FullName}',
  'End of preview -- remember to save' => 'Slutt på forhåndsvisning -- husk å lagre',
  'Page is unsaved' => 'Siden er ikke lagret',
  'Top' => 'Til toppen',
  # access keys
  # 'ak_save' => 's',
  # 'ak_saveedit' => 'u',
  # 'ak_preview' => 'p',
  # 'ak_savedraft' => 'd',
  # 'ak_textedit' => ',',
  # 'e_rows' => '23',
  # 'e_cols' => '60',

  ### Page history strings
  '{$FullName} History' => '{$FullName} historie',
  'Show minor edits' => 'Vis mindre endringer',
  'Hide minor edits' => 'Skjul mindre endringer',
  'Show changes to markup' => 'Vis endringer i kode',
  'Show changes to output' => 'Vis endringer i visning',
  'by' => 'av',
  'Restore' => 'Gjenopprett',
  'Added line $DiffLines:' => 'Lagt til rad $DiffLines:',
  'Added lines $DiffLines:' => 'Lagt til rader $DiffLines:',
  'Changed line $DiffLines from:' => 'Endret rad $DiffLines fra:',
  'Changed lines $DiffLines from:' => 'Endret rader $DiffLines fra:',
  'Deleted line $DiffLines:' => 'Slettet rad $DiffLines fra:',
  'Deleted lines $DiffLines:' => 'Slettet rad $DiffLines fra:',
  'to:' => 'til',

  ### Page attribute strings
  'Attributes' => 'Attributter',
  '{$FullName} Attributes' => '{$FullName} atributter',
  'Set new read password:' => 'Sett nytt lese-passord',
  'Set new edit password:' => 'Sett nytt endre-passord',
  'Set new attribute password:' => 'Sett nytt attributt-passord',
  'Set new publish password:' => '',
  'Set new upload password:' => 'Sett nytt opplastings-passord', 
  '(set by $PWSource)' => '(utført av $PWSource)',
  '(using $PWCascade password)' => '(benytter $PWCascade passord)',
  '(protected)' => '',
  'EnterAttributes' => "Sett inn nye attributter for siden nedenfor.  Blankt felt gjør ingen endring i attributter.  For å slette en attributt, sett inn 'clear'.",
  'The page has an "attr" attribute and cannot be deleted.' => '',

  ## Authorization strings
  'Name' => 'Navn',
  'Password' => 'Passord',
  'Password required' => 'Passord nødvendig',
  'Name/password not recognized' => '',

  ### Search strings
  'Search Results' => 'Søkeresultat',
  'SearchFor' => 'Søkeresultat for <em>$Needle</em>',
  'SearchFound' => '$MatchCount sider funnet av $MatchSearched sider gjennomsøkt.',

  ### Upload strings
  'Attachments for' => 'Vedlegg til',
  'File to upload:' => 'Fil til opplastning',
  'Name attachment as:' => 'Navngi vedlegg som:',
  'Upload' => 'Last opp',
  'Uploads' => 'Opplastinger',
  'ULsuccess' => 'vellykket opplasting',
  'ULbadname' => 'ugyldig navn på vedlegg',
  'ULbadtype' => "'$upext' er ikke et tillatt som fil type",
  'ULtoobig' => 'fila er større enn tillatt av web-tjener',
  'ULtoobigext' => "fila er større enn tillatt maksimum $upmax bytes for '$upext' filer",
  'ULpartial' => 'fil ikke komplett mottatt',
  'ULnofile' => 'ingen ble lastet opp',
  'ULexists' => 'fil med dette navn eksisterer allerede',
  'ULpquota' => 'Maks grense for gruppen er oversteget',
  'ULtquota' => 'Maks grensen for opplasting er overskredet',

  ### GuiEdit button bar
  'Emphasized' => 'Uthevet',
  'Emphasized (italic)' => 'Kursiv',
  'Strong' => 'Fet',
  'Strong (bold)' => 'Fet (bold)',
  'Page link' => 'Side-lenke',
  'Link to internal page' => 'Lenkte til intern side',
  'link text' => 'lenketekst',
  'Link to external page' => 'Lenke til ekstern side',
  'file.ext' => 'fil.ext',
  'Attach file' => 'Vedlegg fil',
  'Big text' => 'Stor tekst',
  'Small text' => 'Liten tekst',
  'Superscript' => 'Hevet tekst',
  'Subscript' => 'Senket tekst',
  'Heading' => 'Overskrift',
  'Subheading' => '',
  'Center' => 'Sentrert',
  'Unordered list' => 'Unummerert liste',
  'Unordered (bullet) list' => 'Unummerert (punktmerka) liste',
  'Ordered list' => 'Nummerert liste',
  'Ordered (numbered) list' => 'Nummerert () liste',
  'Indented text' => 'Innrykk',
  'Hanging indent' => 'Hengende innrykk',
  'Horizontal rule' => 'Vannrett linje',
  'Table' => 'Tabell',
  # access keys
  # 'ak_em' => '',
  # 'ak_strong' => '',

  ### Others
  '(approve sites)' => '(godkjenn nettsted)',
  'This post has been blocked by the administrator' => 'Denne posten er blokkert av administrator',
  'Address blocked from posting' => '',
  'Text blocked from posting' => '',
  'Password encryption' => 'Passordkryptering',
  'EditConflict' => "Siden du endrer er blitt endret etter at du startet.  Begge endringene er flettet inn i teksten under og du må gå gjennom for å verifisere før du trykker Lagre.  Konflikter som system ikke kunne løse er satt mellom &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; og &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;."
  'EditWarning' => "The page you are editing has been modified since you started editing it.  If you continue, your changes will overwrite any changes that others have made.",
  'View changes' => '',
  '?invalid page name' => '',
  'More information' => '',
  "PmWiki can't process your request" => '',
  'We are sorry for any inconvenience' => '',
  'Return to' => '',

  ### Historical
  'Save as draft' => '',  
  'not found' => 'ikke funnet',
  ## pre-2.1 phrases
  'Page last modified on $LastModified' => 'Siden ble sist endret $LastModified',
  'Editing `{$FullName}' => 'Endrer: {$FullName}',
  'Describe $Name here.' => 'Beskriv $Name her.',
  'Preview `{$FullName}' => 'Forhåndsvis `{$FullName}',
  '$FullName History' => '$FullName historie',
  'Page Attributes' => 'Side-attributter',
  '$FullName Attributes' => '$FullName atributter',
