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Instalação do PmWiki
administradores (básico) Esta página explica como baixar e instalar o PmWiki 2.1 and 2.2. Veja a lista de páginas relacionadas:
Improvements to these instructions are always appreciated. Just report any problems you encounter to the pmwiki-users PmWiki:mailing list or use the PmWiki Issue Tracking System. Instalando PmWiki1. DownloadBaixe a última versão do PmWiki como um
ou baixe o último beta a partir da página PmWiki:Subversion. 2. DescompactandoDescompacte o arquivo ( README.txt Um documento introdutório pmwiki.php A página principal do PmWiki que contém o script local/ Scripts de configuração (arquivos de configuração local) cookbook/ Recipes (add-ons) from the Cookbook docs/ Brief documentation, sample configuration scripts pub/ Publicly accessible files css/ Extra CSS stylesheet files [1] skins/ Layout templates for custom look and feel guiedit/ scripts/ Scripts that are part of PmWiki wikilib.d/ Bundled default PmWiki pages O diretório pmwiki-x.y.z precisa ser colocado em um local acessível pelo seu webserver (e.g., no diretório public_html). Você pode colocar os arquivos e diretórios usando vários métodos -- FTP, ou comandos Unix como Nota: É recomendável alterar o diretório "pmwiki-x.y.z" para simplesmente "pmwiki".
#diretórios 3. Criando diretóriosEm diversos casos PmWiki irá fazer para você. Abra o brownser para o script pmwiki.php no servidor (i.e., não no seu computador local ou acessando usando uma URL file://...). PmWiki irá então analizar sua configuração de sistema e prover instruções (se necessário) para criação do diretório wiki.d/ o qual será usado para armazenar as páginas criadas por seu site. Entretanto, há duas formas de arquivá-los. 3a. Você pode criar o diretório wiki.d/ manualmente, e após fornecer total permissão de escrita (i.e., " chmod 777 wiki.d "). Use este método quando o modo "safe mode" estiver ativo em seus servidores de instalação PHP.
3b. Em alguns sistemas você pode permitir que o PmWiki crie o diretório wiki.d/ através de uma alteração temporária de permissões no diretório que contém o arquivo pmwiki.php para 2777. In Unix this is commonly done by changing to the directory containing pmwiki.php and executing the command
chmod 2777 .
(note the dot at the end). The chmod command also works in many FTP programs. Creating wiki.d/ in this manner will (1) make the directory writable so the web server can create the data directory it needs for the wiki files, (2) preserve group ownership of the directory so the installer account can manipulate the files created in this directory, and (3) make it more difficult for other accounts on the same server to access the files in wiki.d/.
After establishing directory permissions, try opening a browser to the pmwiki.php script again. If all is well, the wiki.d directory will have been created and you'll see the default home page. Important: If you used method 3b, you should reset permissions by executing " 4. InitializeCheck out Initial Setup Tasks for other tasks you may want to perform to begin customizing your PmWiki installation. You might also want to peruse the Release Notes for further information. 5. Set languageIf you want to use PmWiki in a different language download the international language pack as zip archive (i18n-all.zip) from http://pmwiki.org/pub/pmwiki/i18n/. Then extract it and copy the files into the wikilib.d/ directory as described above. Besides the -all file you can also download your country localization file only. Languages available are: Česky (Czech) Arabic Bulgarian Català Chinese (Traditional) Chinese simplified Dansk Deutsch English Español Esperanto Farsi (Persian) Français Greek Indonesian Italiano Japanese Korean Latviešu (Latvian) Lietuvių (Lithuanian) Macedonian Magyar (Hungarian) Nederlands Norsk Polski Portuguese Portuguese (Br) Românã Russian Shqip Slovenčina Slovenščina Suomi Svenska Türkçe Tagalog Tamil Ukrainian Việt ngữ There are two directories in the decompressed i18n archive, scripts and wikilib.d. Copy the files respectively contained in these directories to the scripts and wikilib.d of your PmWiki directory. For example, for French localization, PmWikiFr.* and PmWiki.* must be contained in the same directory. Then, enable localization by adding an instruction to local/config.php to load the language translation page of your choice. For instance, Read more about this on Internationalizations. Notes* The PmWiki distribution deliberately doesn't include an index.php file. You can easily add your own "wrapper script" in the same directory as pmwiki.php. Create a new file called index.php with the following single line of text (missing a closing "
Resist the temptation to rename pmwiki.php to index.php because if you rename the file it will not be overwritten during an upgrade.
See also: << Excluindo Páginas | Índice da Documentação | InitialSetupTasks? >> Should I rename pmwiki.php to index.php? Renaming pmwiki.php is not recommended. Instead, create an index.php file that contains this single line <?php include_once('pmwiki.php');
How do I make pmwiki.php the default page for a website? Create an index.php file that runs PmWiki from a subdirectory (pmwiki/ for example) and place it in the site's web document root (the main directory for the website). <?php chdir('pmwiki'); include_once('pmwiki.php');
Note: You will also need to explicitly set the How do I enable "Clean URLs" that are shorter and look like paths to my wiki pages? Why does pmwiki.org appear to have a directory structure rather than "?n=pagename" in URLs? See Cookbook:CleanUrls. Is it possible to move wiki.d to /tmp/persistent/foo/wiki.d (a new sourceforge rule)? Sourceforge suggests moving everything to /tmp/persistent/new-folder-of-your-choice/ and creating a symbolic link to the new folder on /tmp . It works -- see Cookbook:SourceForgeServers. How can I run PmWiki on a standalone (offline, portable) machine ? See Cookbook:Standalone or Cookbook:WikiOnAStick.
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Page last modified on November 10, 2012, at 04:39 PM |