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AdminTaskPmWiki Administration TasksThis is a (experimental) list of all PmWiki administration related tasks that is organized in alphabetical order (and delimited by anchors so that it can be reused in other Wiki pages on this site). It is sort of based on core concepts of Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) in which a topic is an archetype for information type. A topic is a unit of information that describes a single task, concept, or reference item. The information category (concept, task, or reference) is its information type (or infotype). Tasks that are general in nature are on a different page. In DITA terms, AdminTask is a topic specialization of Task (which is a topic). Granted DITA is much more powerful and we cannot get all its benefits with PmWiki yet but perhaps one day, thanks to the genius of Pm?, we can try and achieve more with every PmWiki release. This page (meaning its URL) itself should NOT be linked to from anywhere but the sections should be included by using a syntax such as: (:include PmWiki.AdminTask#start#end:).
Administering PasswordsYou can set passwords on pages and groups exactly as described above for authors. You can also:
For more information on password options available to administrators, see PasswordsAdmin. InstallationSetting Site Wide Passwords
One of the first things an admin should do is set an
Note that the To set the entire site to be editable only by those who know an "edit" password, add a line like the following to local/config.php:
Similarly, you can set $DefaultPasswords['read'] = array(pmcrypt('alpha'), pmcrypt('beta')); $DefaultPasswords['edit'] = pmcrypt('beta'); This says that either "alpha" or "beta" can be used to read pages, but only the "beta" password will allow someone to edit a page. Since PmWiki remembers any passwords entered during the current session, the "beta" password will allow both reading and writing of pages, while the "alpha" password allows reading only. A person without either password would be unable to view pages at all. To generate an encrypted string from your cleartext password so that the cleartext doesn't appear in the config file, go right to pmwiki.php?n=PasswordsAdmin?action=crypt
(add that to tail end of your address URL) for a form to use to encrypt the desired cleartext string into an encrypted string. Then simply copy the encrypted string and paste it in the config file where needed. --DP Upgrading
cp -a pmwiki-x.y.z/. pmwiki
Note that Mac OS X and other BSD systems will not not have the -a option as a command-line argument for cp, but that's okay, since it's just shorthand for cp -dpR, so use that instead of -a. On (some) FreeBSD servers you need to use cp -Rpv pmwiki-.x.y.z/. pmwiki
5. That's it! As long as you didn't make any customizations to the Cleaning Up Deleted Files When wiki pages are deleted, they leave behind residue as the deleted file isn't exactly deleted, but instead renamed to $FullName,del-TIMESTAMP. If you have a lot of deleted pages laying around, this builds up cruft in you file space. This is one method for cleaning up deleted pages. Contributors:Category: Administration
This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org: PmWiki:AdminTask, and a talk page: PmWiki:AdminTask-Talk. | |||||||
Page last modified on October 04, 2022, at 12:28 AM |